Case Management & Intelligence Hub

Great for small and medium teams

A complete hub for any data-driven investigations, including case management, analysis and workflows.


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By Joe Milan

Case management

Case management is the procedure of managing data, documents, service requests, investigations, complaints, and incidents that require action in an organization. It involves recording, monitoring, and implementing required actions. It is a complex process that requires a combination of both manual and electronic workflows, such as an incoming complaint, a submitted claim, an application, or a claim that is moving to litigation.

Case management software is designed to support this process. The software helps in management collaboration, workflow ease, image and content storage, decision-making, and processing of electronic files or cases.  

The process of case management  

The case management process is divided into the following individual steps :

Screening :

Once a complaint or a problem arises, it is important to analyze and decide whether actions are required. Investigators need to assess if the problem or situation is real and if the case requires a process.

Assessing :

Assessing is screening in depth. Here, investigators dive deep into the problem to find an appropriate solution. Often, in-person meetings or questionnaires are used to gather all the relevant information.

Evaluating :

After analyzing and assessing the problem, investigators evaluate the risk associated with it to set priority. This helps in understanding the severity of the case and planning for a solution.

Planning :

In the planning phase, investigators decide on actions and goals depending on the assessment of the problem. Resources that will be needed and the time required to solve the case will be planned.

Implementing :

The plans will be implemented to get the required results. In this stage, actions will be assigned and carried out by individuals as directed. This stage will reveal whether the plans and methods are effective.

Following up :

The implementation of the plans must be followed up to ensure that everything is working out accordingly. If not, then the plan must be reassessed to find an appropriate solution.

How does case management help investigators?

Helps store and retrieve documents, complaints, and reports and locate important media files. No worries about loss of data either.
Helps search and access data without any hassle.
Helps easily track physical and digital evidence.
Helps manage workflow such as assigning tasks, following up, and connecting easily
Provides visual understanding, comparison, and analysis of data.
Helps investigators stay aware of the timelines, reminders, and links between existing data and the status of cases.
Helps in the generation of reports and allows sharing of such information easily within the teams and organizations.

How can Hubstream help investigators with case management?

Hubstream, a case management solution, lets companies track and store information in a centralized location and report on their data. All case data is available in one secured environment and access to different types of users.

With Hubstream, one can perform actions such as setting reminders, alerts, appointments, and assigning tasks, tracking deadlines, sending, and receiving emails, taking notes, approving requests, easily navigating to case files and finding networks and links.

Reporting under case management is an essential task and having a tool such as Hubstream benefits both the user and the organization as it allows the creation of new reports, performs deeper analysis, builds personalized dashboards, uses charts, and graphs for better visuals, and enables easy transfer via email.

Hubstream ONE’s case management and intelligence hub template is helpful for organizations with a large amount of data that needs to be managed efficiently. It is suitable for both small and large teams with a huge amount of structured and unstructured data and allows working with a team of investigators and other stakeholders.  

What does the template case management and intelligence hub contain?

Core workflows for any type of investigation that can be tailored to one’s requirements.
Handy dashboards that can be customized for individual users and a teamwide dashboard for workload management.
Different entities help to spot similarities and common links like people and companies.
Task management to track work and set up deadlines and reminders.

What goals can investigators achieve with this template?

Receive data easily through online forms, telephone hotlines, email, and message inboxes.
Create new case files, complaints, and reports, and store and access them.
Integrate with other systems to perform efficiently.
Assign cases to users within and outside the organization, keep a track of them, and be notified of any changes.

What are the benefits of using this template?

Easy management of the teams and their cases by providing appropriate tools and resources.
Quick import of investigative data, reports, spreadsheets, and documents from devices as well as the internet, store, and share across one’s organization.
Ability to form connections between investigations using the links feature which lets investigators find links between cases and analyze trends.
Consolidation of reporting and analytics in a single view and the facility to choose charts and graphs that better represent the data.
Creation of a hub for all the investigative data where one can centralize and control access.
The case management and intelligence hub template is an invaluable tool for organizations with a lot of data to handle. It streamlines the way information is managed, shared, tracked, and analyzed through intelligent linking analysis. This template provides an efficient way to manage large amounts of structured and unstructured data while working with investigators and other stakeholders. It offers significant advantages to organizations, both small and large, in terms of making sense of data quickly and managing workflows effectively.