Add On: Web Sites

Track information about web sites including URLs and domains

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By Hubstream Inc.

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A website is a group of web pages that are related to one another and are published online by an individual or an organization identified by a common domain name on a web server. There are different types of websites such as e-commerce, blogs, portfolio, business, events, personal, informational, and much more.

Why are certain websites dangerous?

People use websites for several reasons. But not all websites are safe. Some websites trick people into entering their card details and sensitive information to steal money, while others attempt to hack phones and computers by sending malicious links to people and encouraging them to click on a link to steal data from them. Some websites upload sensitive content like child sexual abuse material (CSAM). All of these websites should be reported and taken care of.

Investigators dealing with cybercrimes and child abuse regularly encounter websites that publish harmful content and are a threat to society. These websites must be taken down and tracked to avoid further consequences.

Not just cybercrime and child abuse, other crimes can also have websites and web pages linked to them as a source of evidence or information. Therefore, it is better to keep a record of such websites, and track, and follow up on them to avoid neglect of evidence, and over time, loss of data.

What role do websites play in investigations?

A website helps one in finding a domain and its owner, and IP address. Hubstream has a separate entity for websites to help investigative teams record the details of a website, its domain, and its URL in order to track them. Tracking of the websites results in discoveries that may act as solid evidence.

Digital evidence can be found anywhere on a phone, tablet, computer, hard drives, flash drives, smart TVs, and cameras as well as public resources such as social media platforms, and cloud service providers. This kind of evidence needs to be stored safely and kept accessible to aid investigators.

Sometimes websites could be a common link that connects several people. To find that, it is important to have a proper system and record. Hubstream helps teams find such links and represent them visually as network charts for easy and quick understanding. One can also link multiple types of data together in one place and monitor them.

How can Hubstream help in the investigation of websites?

Hubstream ONE’s add-on template website allows investigators to track information about websites including URLs and domains. The template works well for teams who wish to store website-related details and data in one place, and manage, track, and monitor them easily, fit also aids investigators in finding similarities and linking multiple data types to conduct investigations efficiently.

What does the add-on template website contain?

A URL entity type that collects the URL of different websites and stores them in one place.
A domain entity to maintain a list of the found domains, monitor, and manage them.

What goals can investigators achieve with this add-on template?

Include websites as a part of their investigation and data sets.
Manage and analyze data on the URLs detected by the domain.
Store information on the hosting and location of domains (e.g., supplied by a domain information service or manual searches).

What are the benefits of using this template?

Seamless tracking of URLs and domains.
Reliable storage of information on hosting platforms and registration of domains so that one can track the people who have committed those crimes.
Enhanced visualization of links between domains as well as other entities such as email addresses or phone numbers as they can act as potential leads as part of an investigation.
The add-on website template offered by Hubstream allows investigators to track websites by URLs, domains, and other associated information. This one-of-a-kind resource makes it easy for investigators to quickly lookup web sites and access pertinent data in a secure way. Whether you’re a law enforcement professional or someone researching online activity, Hubstream ONE has a solution to meet your needs. With its intuitive design, this website template saves time and energy while ensuring that all your case research data is organized in the most efficient manner possible. Through customizability and security, Hubstream ONE’s website template is the perfect choice for those investigators who need accurate information quickly.

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