Hubstream vs. ThinkLP

Tired of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut?

Hubstream offers everything ThinkLP has, but with a much simpler process. With a super intuitive reporting tool and an easy-to-navigate interface, Hubstream helps you deliver better results faster.

Side-by-Side Comparison Hubstream ThinkLP
Ease of Use Yes No
Ease of Setup Yes No
Ease of Admin Yes No
Ease of Onboarding Yes No
Advanced Power BI Reports Yes No
Native integration with Microsoft products Yes No
Dependency on Salesforce No Yes
Link Analysis Yes Yes
Scalability Yes Yes
Exception-Based Reporting Yes Yes
Real-Time Alerts Yes Yes
Configurable Yes Yes
Collaboration with External Partners Yes Yes
Omnichannel Data Collection Yes Yes
On-the-Fly, Ac-Hoc Insights Easy Difficult
Learning Curve Easy Difficult
Connect the Dots Automatically Difficult

What Sets Hubstream Apart?


Faster Time to Value

ThinkLP is complex and challenging to implement. Hubstream provides faster onboarding, adoption, and ultimately, results.


Easy & Scalable

Unlike ThinkLP, which heavily depends on Salesforce and requires technical expertise, Hubstream is intuitive, self-sufficient, and adaptable, making it easy to streamline your processes as your needs grow.


Advanced Reporting with Flexibility

Ready to turn your data into actionable insights? Hubstream is purpose-built to fit your unique needs and robust enough to help you solve the most complex cases.